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Friday, December 30, 2011
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Sunday, December 25, 2011
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Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Get Through a Cold Winter With Cheap Heating Options
While we're in the thick of winter right now, there's no better time to talk about ways to combat the freezing indoor temperatures we can often experience. This can be uncomfortable and painful to anyone living through them.
My least favorite time of year happens to be the middle of the winter season. I've always considered myself to be a warm weather person, so this time of year is never pleasant for me.
My hatred for cold weather has resulted in a wealth of knowledge about effective and affordable ways to stay warm inside despite the cold weather. Try any one of these methods and you'll likely be happy you did.
If you have a fireplace inside your home, it should go without saying that lighting up a fire will make you warmer. However, there's a missing piece that could easily make things far more efficient.
The use of a fireplace blower will allow the warmth by your fireplace to spread itself out, reaching the places in the room that aren't often reached. You'll no longer need to sit right in front of the fireplace in order to achieve this effect.
At night, the use of an electric blanket can go a very long way. This will automatically warm up your blanket through the course of the night, allowing you to sleep without shivering.
In doing so, you'll find yourself in a situation where you're warmer as you sleep at night. In fact, you may even be able to lower the heat in your room as a result.
My last suggestion is more of a preventive measure, as this one will eliminate cold as opposed to adding a new source of heat. Get some covers for any skylights or windows in your home if you don't already have them. This can raise the indoor temperature by a few degrees.
Take any or all of these suggestions into consideration and I can assure you that you'll be in a more comfortable state than before.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
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Saturday, December 10, 2011
Replace Your RV Ceiling Vent - DIY
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Advantages of Installing an Inline Exhaust Fan
Inline Exhaust Fan is an electronic device that is used for the purpose of providing ventilation or boosting the airflow with minimal detectable noise. The main function of these devices is to improve the overall air quality in the house by removing the vapors that has been created due to use. They are best suited for being used in bathrooms where due to bathing and showering vapors are created which leads to the formation of moisture and later on results in stale odors and fumes. It can also be used in the kitchen for forcing out smoke and cooking vapors from the area. In most modern homes these units are being preferred over the noisy bathroom and kitchen fans.
The main advantage of installing these types of inline exhaust fans is they are a versatile system that provides multiple ventilation inlets to your kitchen, rooms and bathrooms. If you want to improve the overall indoor air quality of the rooms in your house, you can certainly install this low rate ventilation system with multiple inlets. If you have a big house having two or more bathrooms and kitchen, you can use this system for ventilating your bathrooms as well as kitchen. As these systems feature solid, commercial grade construction, they can be used for longer periods of time and are generally preferred over other types of exhaust fans.
Advantages of Inline Exhaust Fan
In case you need to replace you old bathroom fan with a new one, you can either go for a traditional ceiling-mounted bathroom fan or you can consider replacing it by installing an inline exhaust fan. For installing this system you do not need to mount it directly to the ceiling of the bathroom but it is placed at a distance from the bathroom, generally in the attic space. Some of the benefits of these units as compared to the traditional ones are discussed below.
Easy to Install - These units are easy to install and does not require enough space as well. Moreover, if at all it requires any kind of servicing and replacement of parts, it can be done in an easy to access area in your attic.
High Power - These units feature a powerful motor due to which it is packed with enough power to move significantly higher amount of air when compared to the commonly used bathroom exhaust fans.
Low Noise - As these units are placed away from the actual point of exhaust in the ceiling, you seldom get to hear ant kind of vibration from the fan and the noise that is created when it is working.
Multiple Exhaust Points - For large bathrooms, installing such type of system is suitable as you can easily create multiple exhaust points in the ceiling.
Cost Effective - By installing this system you provide a cost effective way of improving the overall indoor air quality of the bathrooms and kitchen.
Long Life - As these systems feature solid, commercial grade construction, they are rated for being used continuously and have a long life span, some of them even having lifetime warranties.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Some Things to Consider When Winterizing a Trailer
It is late September and with Winter on the way again it is time to start checking all the weak points both inside and outside of your home. Living in a trailer that we have been winterizing since the beginning of the August, there have been a few things come up that normally would not in a regular home. Here are a few of them to keep in mind even if you are not in a trailer or doing renovations.
After the initial move and since our trailer is an older model, 1960 or thereabouts, we had to make some decisions about its overall condition. The first thing we decided on was to pull down the ceiling in the kitchen and living and tear out the ceiling cover, plastic barrier and the old, wet insulation so the ceiling could dry. I sprayed the wet areas with bleach water to kill and prevent mold. The rest of the ceiling will be done next spring. We built twenty nine trusses to put on the existing roof rather than removing the old roof and rebuilding from scratch. While the roof was being built onto it and insulated with R20, then shingled, the existing vents for the furnace and water tank had to be checked and either reinforced or put in again. Originally there was no attic opening to get into the roof so that had to be cut out in the spare room closet and covered. I replaced all the light bulbs with energy savers.
Once we had enough hose down the well to reach the water, more was needed to go from the pumphouse to the trailer to be hooked up for access to indoor running water. The only way I had access to running water previously was by going out to the pumphouse and turning on the noisy generator that was hooked up to the well pump, back in the house I had to pail enough cold water for use on the stove and for baths after which I went back to the pumphouse and turned the generator off. This, for a month before the hose was hooked up under the trailer and little do we realize just how much water a washing machine uses until you have to pail it in, which is why I use only cold water for washing! All the electrical also had to be hooked up for the lights and power to the appliances.
That done, we next installed a new 40 gallon propane water tank, that had to be ordered in, to heat the well water and got the electric furnace converted to a propane user; the 250 gallon propane tank for the yard was delivered and hooked up by a gas fitter who also had to check the fittings and connections of the propane copper wiring to the trailer. At this point it is good to keep in mind that Alberta regulations are set so only 80 % of the tank is filled for safety reasons and you have to manually check the amount of propane left in your tank and know what the current price of propane is when ordering another fill to make it economical to use. Does anyone hear solar panels echoing in their heads! Well, so far, so good.
September has been busy as money and time was spent on cutting to fit and painting some of the OSB sheets that were used for the porch, to skirt in the bottom of the trailer to protect the water lines from freezing and keep the mouse, vole, mole and bug populations at bay. Before finishing the skirting and packing dirt along the edge and up the skirting all around the trailer, the water pipes had to be wrapped with thirty feet of electric pipe freeze prevention heating cable, with a plug in and then have insulation taped all around the pipes leaving an access door in the skirting for easy entry. It has taken a month to build the 12 x 12 porch, working on it in the evenings and weekends.
Our trailer is on a small acreage so there was a lot of wood boards that were still usable and being economy minded people on a budget who do not like to waste anything, we spent time in cutting these boards for use in building the frame and roof of the porch. My hubby and his friend put twenty feet of soffet up plus the flashing then framed and built most of the porch and put it together. Finishing the low sloped roof with metal and pulling it into place, securing it with three inch screws. It is detached from the trailer in case of a move. This will be set up as my winter porch pantry. The electrical is done in the porch for the indoor and outdoor lights and the switches are in. Now we can insulate and sheet the inside of the porch, I can clean and paint the floor and our freezer, bin, three tier shelf can go in. I still need my two tables, wood/recycle/trash and potato boxes in and the shelving built. Then I can stock it for my pantry.
After I used closed cell foam tape weatherstrip on the windows and doors, I covered the windows with shrink-to-fit, clear film window insulator over the all the windows inside, finishing them with a blow dryer to tighten them up and keep the drafts out; Alberta winds can get pretty vicious. Our wood stove has yet to go in; first we need to build a raised wood platform in the living room with enough room under and behind it to allow for airflow, then put light cement board insulation against the wall for added protection. Ceramic tiles go on the platform, a vent is cut into the wall behind and covered for fresh air, a hole is then cut into the ceiling and out through the insulation and roof so the pipe can be put in place with an added half pipe attached to the existing one, again for added protection. After that the wood stove is connected and fired up, using the furnace fan to circulate the heat from the wood burner to heat the rest of the trailer; this will greatly cut down on our propane use. By the way, one of the best and most economical fire-starters you can use is the lint from your dryer; I save all of mine for just that purpose.
There is still the pumphouse to insulate and a nine inch portable dish heater to put in to keep it warm for the winter and keep everything from freezing. Thirty six feet of house cover is needed to go on the out side of the porch to protect the wood over the winter months and the rest of the soffet has to be put on. Next Spring we will put siding on the porch and attach three inch board insulation to the outside of the trailer walls, then re-side it. Its important to remember that everything you add to a trailer also adds to the overall weight of the trailer, that is why when building the roof you can have only a foot of overhang. Even though there is still work to be done most of the important things are already in place for the coming of winter. Its a good idea to prepare and plan ahead for trailer renos, a line of credit at your local hardware store also helps.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Broan Model 157 Low-Profile Wire Element Ceiling Heater
!±8±Broan Model 157 Low-Profile Wire Element Ceiling Heater
Brand : Broan-NuToneRate :

Price : $104.65
Post Date : Nov 28, 2011 10:59:24
Usually ships in 24 hours

Broan-NuTone 157 Radiant Heater Since their beginning in 1932, Broan has pioneered many of the product innovations now established as standards of the industry. Today, Broan carries on the commitment to provide the finest products in the industry.Surface-Mount Ceiling Heaters for quick, easy installation.Broan-NuTone 157 Radiant Heater Features:; Heaters, Ceiling-Mounted Heaters; Low-Profile Ceiling Heater - Same as Model 154 except with exclusive totally enclosed, sheathed element. 1250W, 120VAC.; Exclusive enclosed, sheathed, long-life element diffuses heat throughout the room; Low-profile housing with satin-finish aluminum grille extends only 2 3/4" from ceiling; Built-in fan disperses heat evenly; Automatic overheat protection; Permanently lubricated motor; Mounts easily to any standard 3 1/2" or 4" round, or 4" octagonal ceiling electrical box.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Is Radiant Floor Heating The Best Way To Heat Your Home?
Radiant floor heating is a heating system that supplies heat directly to the floor or directly to panels in the walls or the ceiling of the house. It works by the science of heat transfer. This simply involves delivering heat from a hot surface to people and objects in the room. It is also sometimes called infrared radiation. Read on to discover more about radiant floor heating.
So what is the best way to describe this type of heating? Think about the heat that you can feel from an electric burner on your stove from across the room. That is somewhat similar to the way this type of heating feels. The big difference is the heating elements are located in the floor so the heat rises up through the floor and into the room.
Radiant heating is more efficient than standard baseboard heating. Most of the time it is also more efficient than forced air heat. The big advantage is that no energy is lost through the heating ducts in the home. The heat goes to where it is most needed and keeps a room toasty warm.
Another advantage that you have to take into consideration is that this type of heating is a lot easier on people who have allergies. There is no dust and allergens flying around the room like you would find in a forced air heating system. Without these offending elements in the air, it is much easier for people with severe allergies to breathe.
There are three types of radiant floor heating systems. They are radiant air floors, electric radiant floors and hot water radiant floor heating. The type of system used in a particular home depends on a lot of things. Some of these being the price of electricity in the area or the location of the home in relation to the power grid. Read on to uncover a little more information about each type of heating systems.
The first type that we will examine is also the least cost effective of the three. This is the air heated radiant floors. This type of floor heating is rarely installed because air does not hold heat well and is therefore not a very effective means of heating a residential building.
The second type is the electric radiant floor heating system. This is the second least cost effective type of radiant heating due to the amount of electricity it takes to run this system.
The third type is the most popular and the one installed most often. It is the hydronic or liquid radiant heating system. This system involves pumping heated water though tubing that is laid underneath the floor.
So there you have the basics of radiant floor heating systems and a good overview of what is most cost effective. They can be a great way to keep warm in the cold climates.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
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Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Broan Model 658 Combination Bathroom Heater/Fan Unit, 70 CFM, 4.0 Sones
!±8± Broan Model 658 Combination Bathroom Heater/Fan Unit, 70 CFM, 4.0 Sones

Post Date : Nov 08, 2011 23:42:24 | Usually ships in 24 hours

Broan-NuTone 658 Heater/Fan Since their beginning in 1932, Broan has pioneered many of the product innovations now established as standards of the industry. Today, Broan carries on the commitment to provide the finest products in the industry.Broan has plenty of models to choose from. So you can get exactly the comfort and convenience features you want. All in one compact, easy-to-install unit.Broan-NuTone 658 Heater/Fan Features:; Combination Units, Heater/Fan/Light; Heater/Fan; same as Model 655 but does not include light; 70 CFM 4.0 Sones; Does not include light; Designer styled white polymeric grille complements virtually any decor; 15-amp circuit acceptable; Type IC (Insulation Contact); Use with Model 68W or 68V two-function control (available separately); Two blower wheels, each powered by its own permanently lubricated plug-in motor, quietly deliver high-efficiency performance; 1300-watt heater for fast, even heat distribution; Built-in damper prevents backdrafts and eliminates metallic clatter; Adjustable, slotted mounting brackets span up to 24" for easy installation; Polymeric 4" round duct features a 2" long tapered sleeve for easy, positive ducting; All models available in single packs or Project Paks, except where noted.
- 70 CFM 4.0 Sones
- Heater Fan-1300 watt heater-no light
- Designer white polymeric grilles complement virtually any decor
- Fits 2-inch by 6-Inch ceiling construction
- 15-amp circuit acceptable
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Panasonic FV-11VQ5 WhisperCeiling 110 CFM Ceiling Mounted Fan
!±8± Panasonic FV-11VQ5 WhisperCeiling 110 CFM Ceiling Mounted Fan

Post Date : Oct 27, 2011 12:00:17 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

- Motor/Blower: Power rating of 120 volts and 60 Hz
- Motor/Blower: Fan is UL listed for tub/shower enclosure when used with a GFCI branch circuit wiring
- Can be run with no less than 110 CFM and no more than 0.3 sone
- Housing: Double hanger bar system allows for ideal positioning
- Grille: Attached directly to housing with torsion springs
Monday, October 24, 2011
Broan 655 Heater and Heater Bath Fan with Light Combination
!±8± Broan 655 Heater and Heater Bath Fan with Light Combination

Post Date : Oct 25, 2011 00:00:33 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Fan light heater unit has quiet aluminum squirrel cage blower wheel and 2 motor system with individual controls for fan, heater, and light. White plastic 10 1 4" x 15 1 2" grille, Lexan light lens. 8 1 4" x 14 1 4" x 5 3 4" housing, fits joists as small a
- 70 CFM, 4.0-Sones, 100-Watt lighting
- Heater, Fan and Light brings convenient, comforting warmth to your bathroom
- 1300-Watt heater
- Fan, light and heater function together or independently
- Use with the 3-way switch (2960-1804)
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